GKS 2232 4º: Guaman Poma, Nueva corónica y buen
gobierno (1615)
0. Title page of the Nueva corónica (page 0)
1. The first new chronicle (1-13)
2. "How God ordained the writing of this book" (14-21)
3. The chapter of the ages of the world (22-32)
4. The chapter of the popes and their reigns (33-47)
5. The chapter of the ages of the Indians (48-78)
6. The chapter of the Inkas (79-119)
History of the first Inkas (79-82)
The origin of the first generation of the Inkas (83-85)
The first Inka, Manco Capac Inka (86-87)
The second Inka, Sinchi Roca Inka (88-89)
The birth of Jesus Christ, Savior of the world (90-91)
The miracles that God performed in this kingdom (92-95)
The third Inka, Lloque Yupanqui Inka (96-97)
The fourth Inka, Mayta Capac Inka (98-99)
The fifth Inka, Capac Yupanqui Inka (100-101)
The sixth Inka, Inka Roca (102-103)
The seventh Inka, Yahuar Huaca Inka (104-105)
The eighth Inka, Viracocha Inka (106-107)
The ninth Inka, Pachacuti Inka (108-109)
The tenth Inka, Tupac Inka Yupanqui (110-111)
The eleventh Inka, Huayna Capac Inka (112-113)
The twelfth Inka, Tupac Cuci Hualpa Huascar Inka (115-116)
To the readers of this chapter on the Inkas (119)
7. The chapter of the queens, or quya (120-144)
The first quya, Mama Huaco (120-121)
The second quya, Chinbo Urma (122-123)
The third quya, Mama Cora Ocllo (124-125)
The fourth quya, Chinbo Urma Mama Yachi (126-127)
The fifth quya, Chinbo Ucllo Mama Caua (128-129)
The sixth quya, Cuci Chinbo Mama Micay (130-131)
The seventh quya, Ipa Huaco Mama Machi (132-133)
The eighth quya, Mama Yunto Cayan (134-135)
The ninth quya, Mama Ana Uarque (136-137)
The tenth quya, Mama Ocllo (138-139)
The eleventh quya, Raua Ocllo (140-141)
The twelfth quya, Chuqui Llanto (142-143)
Prologue to Andean female readers (144)
8. The chapter of the Inka’s captains and their noble ladies (145-183)
The first captain, Inka Yupanqui (145-146)
The second captain, Tupac Amaru Inka (147-148)
The third captain, Cuci Uanan Chiri (149-150)
The fourth captain, Maytac Inka (151-152)
The fifth captain, Auqui Tupac Inka Yupanqui (153-154)
The sixth captain, Otorongo Achachi Inka, or Camac Inka (155-156)
The seventh captain, Maytac Inka (157-158)
The eighth captain, Camac Inka (159-160)
The ninth captain, Urcon Inka (161-162)
The tenth captain, Challco Chima Inka (163-164)
The eleventh captain, Rumiñavi (165-166)
The twelfth captain, Guaman Chaua (167-168)
The thirteenth captain, Ninarua (169-170)
The fourteenth captain, Mallco Castilla Pari (171-172)
The fifteenth captain, Malco Mullo (173-174)
The first queen and lady, Poma Ualca (175-176)
The second lady, Mallquima (177-178)
The third lady, Umita Llama (179-180)
The fourth lady, Mallco Guarmi Timtama (181-182)
The captains salaried by His Majesty (183)
9. The chapter of the Inka’s laws (184-195)
10. The chapter of the general inspection, or census (195-236)
The first age group of men, warriors of thirty-three years (195-197)
The second age group, old men of sixty years (198-199)
The third age group, old men of eighty years (200-201)
The fourth age group, sick men of all ages (202-203)
The fifth age group, messengers of eighteen years (204-205)
The sixth age group, youths of twelve years (206-207)
The seventh age group, boys of nine years (208-209)
The eighth age group, boys of five years (210-211)
The ninth age group, children of one year (212-213)
The tenth age group, one-month-old infants (214-215)
The first age group of women, weavers of thirty-three years (216-218)
The second age group, old women of fifty years (219-220)
The third age group, old women of eighty years (221-222)
The fourth age group, sick women of all ages (223-224)
The fifth age group, virgins of thirty-three years (225-226)
The sixth age group, girls of twelve years (227-228)
The seventh age group, girls of nine years (229-230)
The eighth age group, girls of five years (231-232)
The ninth age group, girls of one year (233-234)
The tenth age group, one-month-old infants (235-236
11. The chapter of the months of the year (237-262) (See also ch. 37.)
January, the greatest feast (238-239)
February, month of donning precious loincloths (240-241)
March, month of the maturation of the soil (242-243)
April, the feast of the Inka (244-245)
May, great search (246-247)
June, rest from the harvest (248-249)
July, month of the inspection and distribution of lands (250-251)
August, month of turning the soil (252-253)
September, the feast of the queen, or quya (254-255)
October, the principal feast (256-257)
November, month of carrying the dead (258-259)
December, the festivity of the lord sun (260-261)
12. The chapter of the Idols (263-288)
13. The chapter of burials (289-299)
14. The chapter of the Inka's chosen virgins (300-303)
15. The chapter of the Inka’s justice (303-316)
16. The chapter of festivals (317-329)
17. The chapter of the Inka’s patrimony (330-341)
18. The chapter of the Inka’s government (342-369)
19. The chapter of the Spanish conquest and the civil wars (370-437)
20. The chapter of “good government” (438-490)
Don Antonio de Mendoza, the second viceroy of Peru (438-439)
Don Andrés Hurtado de Mendoza, the third viceroy of Peru (440-443)
Archbishop Juan Solano marries Sayri Tupac Inka and the Inka queen Doña Beatriz, quya (444-445)
Don Francisco de Toledo, the fourth (actually, fifth) viceroy of Peru, and his government (446-450)
The capture and execution of Tupac Amaru Inka (451-452)
The general inspection of the Indians of this kingdom, by the author of this chronicle (455-459)
The death of Don Francisco de Toledo (460-461)
The conquest of the Antisuyus and the Chunchos (462-463)
Don Martín Enríquez de Almanza, the fifth (actually, sixth) viceroy of Peru (464-465)
Don Fernando Torres y Portugal, the sixth (actually, seventh) viceroy of Peru (466-467)
Don García Hurtado de Mendoza, the seventh (actually, eighth) viceroy of Peru (468-469)
Don Luis de Velasco, the eighth (actually, ninth) viceroy of Peru (470-471)
Don Carlos Monterrey (actually, Gaspar de Zúñiga y Acevedo), the ninth (actually, tenth) viceroy of Peru (472-473)
Don Juan de Mendoza y Luna, the tenth (actually, eleventh) viceroy of Peru (474-475)
Bishops and archbishops (476-477)
Commissaries general (478-479)
Inquisitor of the Holy Inquisition (480-481)
Rector general of the Society of Jesus (482-483)
Holy hermits (484-485)
Abbesses and nuns of all religious orders (486-487)
Government and church officials do not defend the Indians (488-489)
Prologue to His Holiness and His Majesty, p. 490
21. The chapter of colonial Indian administration (491-560)
22. The chapter of the trustees´of Indians, or encomenderos (561-573)
23. The chapter of the parish priests (574-688)
24. The chapter of the church inspectors (689-716)
25. The chapter of the black Africans (717-725)
26. The chapter of censure, reprimand, and satirical dialogues (726-740)
27. The chapter of the judgments of exemplary Christians (741-751)
28. The chapter of the princes, native lords, and other hereditary, Andean ranks (752-805)
29. The chapter of local native administrators of this kingdom (806-833)
30. The chapter of the Indians of this kingdom (834-922)
31. The chapter of religious and moral considerations (923-973)
32. The chapter of Guaman Poma's dialogue with the king (974-999)
[See also ch. 31., “The chapter of religious and moral considerations” pp. 944-948.]
33. The chapter of this kingdom and its cities and towns (1000-1087)
Mapa Mundi of the Indies of Peru (1000-1003)
The city of Santa Fe de Bogotá (1005-1006)
The city of Popayán (1007-1008)
The city of Atres (1009-1010)
The city of Quito, seat of the royal high court (1011-1012)
The town of Riobamba (1013-1014)
The city of Cuenca (1015-1016)
The city of Loja (1017-1018)
The city of Cajamarca, “city of Atahualpa Inka” (1019-1020)
The town of Conchucos, silver mines (1021-1022)
The town of Paita (1023-1024)
The city of Trujillo (1025-1026)
The town of Zaña (1027-1028)
The town of Puerto Viejo (1029-1030)
The city of Guayaquil (1031-1032)
The city of Cartagena (1033-1034)
The city of Panamá, royal high court and bishopric of the church (1035-1036)
The city of Huánuco, “falcon and royal lion, waman puma” (10371038)
The City of the Kings of Lima, royal high court, principal city of the kingdom of the Indies, residence of the viceroy, and archbishopric of the church (1039-1040)
The town of Callao, port of Lima (1041-1042)
The town of Camaná (1043-1044)
The town of Cañete (1045-1046)
The fishing town of Pisco (1047-1048)
The town of Ica, of the best wines (1049-1050)
The town of La Nasca, wine region (1051-1052)
The town of Castrovirreina, silver mines (1053-1054)
The town of Oropesa de Huancavelica, mercury mines (1055-1056)
The city of Huamanga, “founded by the qhapaq apu Don Martín de Ayala” (1057-1058)
The city of Cuzco, principal city and royal court of the twelve Inka kings of this realm, and bishopric of the church (1059-1060
The city of Arequipa (1061-1062)
The town of Arica (1063-1064)
The rich imperial town of Potosí, where the crown and the church are defended by the Inka and his four kings (1067-1068)
The city of Chiquisaca, royal high court and bishopric (1069-1070)
The city of Chuquiyabo (1071-1072)
The town of Misqui (1073-1074)
The city of Santiago de Chile, bishopric (1075-1076)
The native pukara and the Christian fortress of Santa Cruz de Chile (1077-1078)
The city of Tucumán, bishopric (1079-1080)
The city of Paraguay, bishopric (1081-1082)
The provinces of these kingdoms (1083-1084)
Prologue to the Christian readers who live in these kingdoms of the Indies (1085-1087)
34. The chapter of earlier chronicles (1088-1091)
35. The chapter of the nns, or tanpu, on the royal road (1092-1103)
36. The chapter of the author’s journey to Lima (1104-1139)
37. The chapter of the months of the year (1140-1178) (See also ch. 11.)
The months of the year (1140)
January, time of rain and digging up the earth (1141-1143)
February, time of watching the maize at night (1144-1146)
March, time of chasing parrots from the maize fields (1147-1149)
April, maturation of the maize, time of protecting it from thieves (1150-1152)
May, time of reaping, of gathering the maize (1153-1155)
June, time of digging up the potatoes (1156-1158)
July, month of taking away the maize and potatoes of the harvest (1159-1161)
August, time of turning the soil (1162-1164)
September, cycle of sowing maize (1165-1166)
October, time of watching over the fields (1168-1170)
November, time of watering the maize, of scarcity of water, time of heat (1171-1173)
December, time of planting potatoes and uqa, tubers (1174-1176)
Conclusion (1177)
To the Christian readers of the world (1178)
38. Table of contents of the said chronicle (1179-1187)
39. Conclusion of the Nueva corónica y buen gobierno (1188-1189)
Siglo Veintiuno Editores
Guaman Poma: El primer Nueva corónica y buen gobierno [1615].
Edited by John V. Murra and Rolena Adorno.
Quechua translations by Jorge L. Urioste.
3 vols. Mexico City 1980: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.